Thursday, March 30, 2017

Finding Andromeda

What’s up everyone?

ME: Andromeda courtesy of Bioware
Recently I have been jamming out on the old Xbox.  I have been playing Mass Effect: Andromeda an action RPG from Bioware.  I know. I know.  Don't worry there will be no spoilers here.  The jist of the game is about a group of Milky Way Races (Humans, Asari, Turian, and Krogan) go into cryosleep and travel across dark space to colonize the Andromeda Galaxy.  You are task with finding new homes for the colonists, exploring new planets, meet native Andromedans and work with them for the greater good.  Of course there are obstacle that get in the way and hinder your progress.

You’re asking yourself, “What does this have to do with anything?”.  Well I’ll put it in more real world situation.  Think of it this way.  Packing up everything that you have and moving half way across the country.  It doesn't have to be this dramatic.  It could be anywhere you are not familiar with.  This example just happens to be what we did.

My beautiful bride received a job offer for a promotion that would really help out in advancing her career.  The problem, it was out in Chicago.  And to tell you the truth.  I’ve never really been a huge fan of Chicago, still not that sure.  We weighed our options, talked with friends and family and finally came to a conclusion.  We were going to pack up, leave the familiar behind and head to the unknown.

It would be nice to be able be put into cryosleep on long trips and then wake up when you reach your destination.  Unfortunately for us that tech is not available yet.  Even though the passenger of the vehicle will most likely fall asleep at some point during the trip.  Probably more than once.  The good thing is that you get to check out the scenery and see the sites.  On our migration east, we did stop and see some of the sites.  To be honest.  I would have liked to have seen more, but we were traveling with our pup.  I felt bad having him cramped up in the car, so I wanted to get to where we were going as fast as I could.  And I was a little stressed out about driving through place I was unfamiliar with.

  Once you reach your new home thats when the integration starts.  For some people it easy.  For people like me its a little harder.  Our first week was interesting to say the least.  We had to figure out our surroundings. What stores were what and how to find them.  By weeks end, the reality of the move was setting in.  We were completely on our own here.  Our family and friends were a long distance off.  We had to make it on our own.  Luckily for us, our neighbors were gracious enough to invite us to dinner.  Unfortunately for us, they didn't speak english very well and I hadn’t spoke Spanish since High School.  Yeah this is how it would be if you landed on an alien planet.  Trying to communicate with each other and not understanding what each are saying.  Just shaking your head like idiots and hoping you didn't agree to do something incredible stupid.

Slowly you venture out of you comfy abode and explore your surroundings.  The more you do it the more you discover.  Your small bubble becomes gigantic as you allow new people in and share their experiences.  Eventually what was once unknown and scary becomes familiar and normal.

Everybody has their Andromeda moment.  For some people like my brother and I.  It was moving to a new city in a new state.  For others it could be as small as starting in a new school.  You may not know whats ahead of you or what to expect. The important thing is how you deal with the experience.  Yes, it can be scary, but as you move forward and experience new things it becomes exciting.  They say every journey starts with one foot out the door.  Take this time to find your Andromeda moment and experience something different.
Until next time, let the unknown become the known.
Thanks for stopping by.


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